Meet The Team
As kids, having productive conversations about race was not normalized. Some of us had parents who tried to prepare us for racial discrimination, but there were never deep dives into conversations about structural racism and white supremacy culture. All of us experienced certain privileges, but it was not made evident to us what those privileges were and why they existed.
As undergraduate students, we were taught about the interactions of society and engineering; but it severely lacked depth due to the absence of expressing how the field of engineering could address racial inequities, discrimination, and oppression. Truthfully, we did not understand how large this void was at the time (due to our conditioning), but we all still found ourselves aspiring to elicit positive social change with our engineering degrees.
As graduate students diving deeper into the ever-expanding literature on equitable design practice in engineering, we came together to push the engineering discipline towards a more equitable, restorative and sustainable practice. We believe building learning modules that center social justice into engineering curriculum is a key to transformation of the field.
As a team, we are passionate about making sure all students have exposure to social justice in their engineering curriculum to effect positive social change and to attract diversity in the field.